Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bye Bye Semester 1

Applause~ I’ve completed my semester one of my study. Alhamdulillah. Since then, I started to write again. I can’t even imagine that my whole 5 months of studying will be terrible experiences at all. True, it took a lot of passion to balance up between job, study and personal life simultaneously. That is why most of students gave up on their study or took full time mode.

The most critical part is when I’ve to choose whether to attend a class or important weds of my good good friends. I nearly have to forgo most of important events when it comes to priority of completing study. Even, I also barely got a chance to go back hometown, spending time with family. I’ve experience left zero cents inside my wallet throughout months because of need to provide petty stuffs for my study. Gladly, I was stronger enough to get through those situations. For those who felt neglected along the process, I’m truly sorry. I can’t manage my time well between personal leisure and for my boys, my girls, my colleagues, my family and my love. Thank you for being so supportive. Hope everything will be better since herein. L.O.V.E~